DCT Advisory Services:
An important design feature for VEFF is the ability to provide specific technical assistance including proposal development support and training for DCT partnerships. The DCT training/advising services will be provided by national consultants. The procurement of the services of the national consultants shall be the responsibility of the VEFF Management Unit, represented by the International Consultant. The International Consultant shall procure the services of the local consultants and sign their contract on behalf of the VMU.
The following types of services are eligible:
a) Advisory services offered following Concept Note Approval:
- Assistance in proposal writing to VTIs and partner enterprises
- Advisory services for conceptual guidance in respect of DCT
- Advising VEFF on the appropriateness of support requested by institutes, especially about the type and costs of equipment and consumables which the institutes plan to purchase with reference to the contents of related curricula.
- Workplace analyses at the enterprises in respect to OHS and labour conditions requirements
- Translation